”The Tales of True Equilibria”
July 2022
925 Sterling silver, 490g
280 x 200 x 125 mm
”The Tales of True Equilibria” is a silver object about the tension between several opposing issues and the impossibility of total balance. While leaning on its side, the soft abstract body has a complex structured yet transparent surface wrapped around the inside volume.
A very prominent balancing act exists in its materiality. Where a sheet of silver, a precious metal, turned into a type of expanded metal mesh, an ordinary material for industrial constructions. Through extensive experimental modelling in paper and copper, I found a technique to create soft volumes by using a closed loop of curved cuts – turning a usually flat and stiff mesh material into an almost organic shape. The intricate cut pattern got achieved by CNC micro-water-jet cutting. While this part of the process got outsourced to industry, expanding the sheet and hand polishing the edges was a labour-intensive craft.
Not only during the creation of this object but in my practice in general, an alternation between spontaneous artistic expressions and straightforward design decisions is quite regular. Balancing out methods of industrial manufacturing with meticulously executed craft is as essential as getting affected by modern-day influences and historical research.
Depending on the state of a project, the materialised object, the viewer or the context of the encounter, one side of the mentioned cases will always be more dominant.
An absolute, true equilibrium, a state where competing forces cancel one another, probably remains a tale.

Johannes Postlmayr, född 1995 i Steyr, Österrike, Metal Art på HDK-Valand Campus Stenebys metallutbildning i Dals Långed vid Göteborgs universitet.
Johannes Postlmayr arbetar med metall i gränslandet mellan konst, hantverk, teknologi och design. Med utgångspunkt i hantverks- och materialkännedom blåser han liv i snart bortglömda tekniker och förflyttar materialet stål bort från funktionalism mot modern skulptur.
Genom Silverplåten har Johannes Postlmayr nu även adderat det mer mångsidigt användbara materialet silver till sitt register. Läs mer om Johannes Postlmayr i intervjun här.
Mer om Johannes Postlmayr kan du hitta på:
Instagram: @postlmayr.metal.gestalter
YouTube: Johannes Postlmayr
Vimeo: Johannes Postlmayr
Hemsida: Johannes Postlmayr – metal gestalter
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